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IKEA Blue Bag Fund

           IKEA has always been committed to creating green and sustainable lifestyles. To achieve this goal, we continuously plan and execute various community projects for the benefit of society. Since 2019, IKEA has set up the Blue Bag Fund. For every M- or L-sized FRAKTA blue bag sold, we donate HK$1 or MOP$1 to the fund to support community projects. The Blue Bag Fund aims to support local communities, promote sustainable development, and improve the lives of the needy. We hope everyone will support the Blue Bag Fund and build a caring community with us.

Revamping Fountain of Hope’s Space With the Blue Bag Fund

          IKEA’s Macau team utilized the Blue Bag Fund to assist Fountain of Hope, a local charity organization, in revamping its multipurpose room. Fountain of Hope provides children and teenagers in dysfunctional families with a loving and safe environment to support their development. Nevertheless, the multipurpose room has limited storage space, and it takes a long time for the staff to put a large number of toys away. Fountain of Hope hoped it could quickly transform the space for other events after wrapping up game sessions and parties with the children or completing staff training sessions.

          After visiting Fountain of Hope, IKEA realized that the children, who are made up of different age groups, use the multipurpose room regularly to socialize, have fun, do their homework, or have meetings. The needs of both the children and the adults had to be considered when revamping the space. Therefore, the IKEA team put their professional space planning skills into good use by redesigning the multipurpose room with the help of IKEA furniture and storage products. Factors like spatial flexibility, storage, and child safety were taken into account. Furthermore, different room layouts were created for different activity needs, thus maximizing the small space of the multipurpose room.

          Besides, the IKEA team also shared some advice on home decoration and storage to resolve office storage issues faced by the staff. Through these tips, the staff members at Fountain of Hope learned to organize their objects and incorporate such knowledge into their daily lives. In the end, a conducive environment that boosts the children’s social skills and confidence through play was created successfully.

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